Thursday, September 19, 2013

A Compilation of Weird Facts


  1. Speaking with a deeper voice helps establish dominance over the person you’re talking to.
  2. A man has more chances to attract a woman if he wears the color blue.
  3. Elephants are actually terrified of bees and mice.
  4. The brain s active at night than it is during the day.
  5. The average American consumes about 3,550 pounds of sugar in a lifetime.
  6. There are more bacteria in your mouth than there are people in the world.
  7. Coca-Cola was initially developed by pharmacists to help cure headaches.
  8. You are more likely to be killed by a champagne cork than by a poisonous spider.
  9. The word “nice” originally meant foolish or stupid.
  10. Women who play video games tend to have more sex and be happier with their relationships.
  11. You only have 7 seconds to make a powerful first impression when meeting someone new.
  12. Women find men more attractive when they notice other women looking at them.
  13. Pineapples are not a single fruit, but a group of berries that have fused together.
  14. Putting sugar on a wound or cut will greatly reduce pain and speed up the healing process.
  15. Studies show that most men prefer brunettes over blonde.
  16. Nowadays there are more people dying from obesity than malnutrition.
  17. People who stay up late at night are likely to be more intelligent than those who go to bed early
  18. Blue-eyed people have a greater tolerance for alcohol than brown eyed people.
  19. Relationships that form during the spring to summer months are more likely to last.
  20. A new study finds that math skills maybe something you’re born with or not.
  21. The average male’s brain is about 10% bigger than female’s.
  22. Falling in love costs you 2 close friends, according to an Oxford study.
  23. People who get about 6-7 hours of sleep a night have a longer life than who sleep 8 or more hours.
  24. 95% of our earth’s oceans remain undiscovered.
  25. More than 2,500 left-handed people are killed each year due to using right-handed products.
  26. Teens, on average, spend 87 hours watching porn online.
  27. Putting dry tea bags in smelly shoes or gym bags will absorb the unpleasant odor.
  28. You can stop mosquito bites from itching by running them under hot water.
  29. The pupil of your eye expands as much as 46% when you look at someone you love.
  30. A condom can be used to carry 1 liter of water.
  31. The average person will spend 3 years of his or her life on a toilet.
  32. The average speed of fart coming out of your ass is 7 mph.
  33. The inner skin of a banana peel can be used to help whiten your teeth.
  34. An average woman spends nearly 1 year of her life trying to decide what to wear.
  35. Taking long showers and baths can help combat the feelings of loneliness.
  36. People who regularly play video games are faster at making real-life decisions.
  37. A lemon will float in water, but a lime will sink.
  38. The average yearly salary for a stripper is about $125,000.
  39. People are 50% more likely to agree to do what you ask them if you speak into their right ear and lightly touch their forearm.
  40. There is actually a word for the day after tomorrow- Overmorrow.
  41. Daytime naps help to improve your memory and cut the risk of heart disease.
  42. Sloppy hand writings of doctors are responsible for over 7000 deaths each year.
  43. The bible is the most shoplifted book of all time.
  44. April 30th is the National Honesty Day.
  45. People who were born in September, October, and November are the most likely to live beyond 100 years old.
  46. Most people skip the first slice bread because it looks “ugly” to them.
  47. Kangaroos have 3 vagina's.
  48. Smoking can turn nipples purple and make them fall off.
  49. The word “slut” was originally used to describe a woman who didn't keep her room clean.
  50. Cheese is the most stolen food in the world.
  51. Applying vodka to your face helps tighten your pores and can reduce the risk of acne breakouts.
  52. Michael Jackson attempted to buy Marvel Comics in the 1990’s because he wanted to play Spider man.
  53. During your lifetime, you will produce enough saliva to fill 2 swimming pools.
  54. Having excessive body hair is linked to higher intellect.
  55. It has been scientifically proven that the less you know, the more you think you know.
  56. You can’t inhale through your nose and talk at the same time.
Good to know right! There are 100 of them at this site, but I only chose the ones which are a bit interesting.

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