Thursday, September 19, 2013

Greek yogurt as a healthy ingredient substitute

When I was pregnant I always have yogurt in my diet. It actually helped me to over  indulge myself in food
 as I was so scared to be over weight and have a hard time delivering later on. Right now there are plenty of yogurts to choose from, flavors are limitless! Then here comes the "Greek" yogurt, I was like what's the difference? Plus it costs a bit more than the regular ones. Is it because it comes from Greece? LOL! Well, now that I've started cooking healthy I saw a lot of recipes that requires Greek yogurt. So I looked up the contents and compared which is better and is it really a healthier alternative.

5 to 8 grams
13 to 17 grams
16 grams (7 oz serving)
5 grams (8 oz serving)
50 milligrams
100 milligrams
20% of daily recommendation
30% of daily recommendation
15 to 20 grams
9 grams

So now I see, there was really a bit of a difference. Except on the fat content which I believe is saturated fat.
Definitely keep away if you have high cholesterol or make sure to stick on"low saturated fat" and "fat free" options. There was also a slight low down on the calcium content which is an effect of too much straining process. Weighing it, I think Greek is my go to yogurt. Chobani (Greek yogurt brand) has a chart on healthy substitutions. This is a great idea to print out!

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