Monday, September 16, 2013

GRAINS: Bad for our health?

Why do we need to get rid of GRAINS?!

Example of grains are:

  • Wheat and corn products
  • Rice
  • Pasta
  • Bread
  • Oatmeal and
  • Cereal

But why? Aren’t cereal and oatmeal help fight cholesterol (That’s according to the tv commercials). Yes, part of it is true but having a high cholesterol only starts from a poor diet.

Abolishing GRAINS in our diet is important because:
1. They are not healthy. There’s no nutrients and not good in our digestive system.
 In fact it makes us bloat big time and definitely a huge weight gain.
2. Contains “Phytates” (it interferes with the absorption of nutrients in our body).
3. Has “Lectin” (grain protein that causes irritation in our gut).
4. Leads to “CARB ADDICTION”, so true! More rice anyone?!
5. Colitis, appendicitis, hemorrhoids, gall stones and of course OBESITY!!!

You can switch your “carb” cravings to other options:

Pasta try Zucchini Ribbons (So good! I’ll post a recipe later)
Rice try Cauliflower Rice
Potatoes try Sweet Potatoes
Cooking oil try Coconut oil (highly recommended)
Flour try Almond or Coconut flour

There’s a lot more choices to choose from. All you need is the discipline and dedication to follow these simple rules. Anyway, this is our own body that we need to take care of and we’re the ones benefiting from it. Let’s take advantage of these generations so much interest in health and fitness. I’m turning 30 next year, join me to take a pledge and start RIGHT now!

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